data sheet dowload Louver_tron 217 high power contact

weftron LOUVER_tron® 217
is a member within the product group of Low Resistance - High Power Contact Systems.
Multiple contact louvers, crafted in a 17.5mm wide copper beryllium contact strip, with a spacing of 2mm are offering precisely defined multiple contact points inbetween two mating conducting surfaces.
Depending on the application, LOUVER_tron® 217 may be used either in a flat or in a pre-rounded shape. The number of contact louvers applied, in conjunction with the associated metal components and the environment in which they are used, will precisely define the electrical performance characteristics of this complete high power contact system. LOUVER_tron® 217 technical parameters are shown in the table on the backside of the data sheet. offers a variety of application specific options, along with the associated machined metal components, in order to complete the final high power contact arrangement. Please consult us for any of your projects involving connections with special requirements.
product features
dense arrangement of defined contact bridges at a 2mm spacing
contact band width of 17.5mm
various band thicknesses depending on application
various fixation leg angles depending on application
various pre-rounded contact cage diameters for either pin or bushing applications
various contact strip lengths for flat contacting arrangements
various surface treatments depending on application